
English version below!
Progetto grafico di Morena Poltronieri
Il mazzo contiene 22 Arcani Maggiori
Testo: Morena Poltronieri (in italiano - inglese - Editing: Arnell Ando)
Stampato su cartoncino
Dimensioni: 10 x 15 cm.
Edizione limitata a 100 copie, numerate e firmate. Scatola pregiata in cartone con con sigillo di ceralacca
€ 48,00
Chagall Tarot Tribute è un toccante omaggio all'artista Marc Chagall e alle sue opere meno conosciute: per creare questo mazzo sono state fuse parti delle sue acqueforti con immagini di un vecchio mazzo italiano di tarocchi (stampato tra il 1775 e il 1799).
Graphic Design by Morena Poltronieri
The deck contains 22 Major Arcana + Signed/Numbered Title Card
Leaflet: Morena Poltronieri (in Italian - English Edit: Arnell Ando)
Card Size: 10 x 15 cm.
Limited to 100 copies Hand-numbered,
Signed In Cardboard Gift Box
Printed on Matte, Textured Cardstock
€ 48,00
Customer fee to be paid by the addresse
Chagall Tarot Tribute is a touching homage to the beloved artist Marc Chagall, created by Morena Poltronieri, director of the Tarot Museum. She chose lesser known, though compelling works of his, fusing portions of his etchings, with vintage Tarot imagery. This passion project was inspired by a Chagall exhibit Poltronieri attended, which awoke in her an insight to merge his spiritually poetic art with Tarot imagery. She borrowed from an old Italian deck (printed between 1775 and 1799) combining these two diverse symbolic art forms into an impressive offering.