
English version below!
Autore: Jari Casagrande
Il mazzo contiene 22 Arcani Maggiori
Testo: Morena Poltronieri
Formato approx cm 10 x 15
Edizione limitata di 100 copie, numerate e firmate dall'autore
Euro 60,00
Questo mazzo insolito è stato creato da Jari Casagrande, un ricercatore, scrittore e poeta. Con carta fatta a mano e immagini d'epoca l'artista ha assemblato un mazzo di sogni. E' un viaggio nell'inconscio, (non il personale, ma piuttosto l' inconscio collettivo), il luogo in cui le forme viventi, a volte indescrivibili, sono una parte di noi tutti. In questo luogo risiede 'Daimon'. Egli è inconoscibile, ma la sua energia si collega con ciascuno di noi.
Author: Jari Casagrande
22 major arcana
Text: Morena Poltronieri
Size approx cm 10 x 15
Limited edition 100 copies, De luxe version with special box, numbered and signed by the author
Euro 60,00
Customer fee to be paid by the addressee
This unusual deck is created by Jari Casagrande; a researcher, writer and poet. With handmade papers, and vintage imagery the artist has assembled a deck of dreams. According to Ms. Poltronieri, it is with the purpose of journeying into the unconscious, (not the personal, but rather the collective unconscious) ~ the place where living forms, sometimes indescribable, are a part of us all. In this place resides 'Daimon'. He is unknowable, but we can sense that his energy connects with each of us. Ms. Poltronieri further explains Daimon as one that can be perceived only by listening, while eliminating cultural and social identity, and waiting for his call to us. She adds that it is important to discard the traditional preconceived notions of Tarot in order to allow these images to make an impression on us. The deck comes in an attractive cardboard box. The cover is stamped with an imprinted hot wax seal.. An English translation of the text would have been insightful but even so, an intangible, primeval connection to the imagery can be felt while meditating with the cards.