Tarot Museum is part of Mutus Liber Non-profit cultural association
Via Arturo Palmieri, 5/1 Riola
40038 Vergato (Bologna) Italy
REA BO-554574
Tel. 3349975005
Tax Code 91368630371 - VAT number 03386331205


These General Conditions of Sale govern all relationships between: Mutus Liber and its customers on the internet (hereinafter the «Customer»).

Before any transaction the Customer acknowledges having read them and expressly declares to accept them.

1. Object of the online contract and its definition

By online sales contract we mean the distance contract and that is the legal transaction concerning movable goods and/or services stipulated between a supplier, MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association based in Vergato, (via Arturo Palmieri 5/1 Riola, Tax Code 91368630371 - VAT number 03386331205) and a consumer Customer within a remote sales system organized by the supplier who, for this contract, uses the remote communication technology called "Internet".

All contracts, therefore, will be concluded directly through access by the consumer Customer to the website corresponding to the address: , where, following the indicated procedures, he will conclude the contract for the purchase of the good.

Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 185.99.

2. Acceptance of the general conditions of sale

The Customer, by sending electronic confirmation of his purchase order, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe in his relations with MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association and the general conditions of sale and payment transcribed below, declaring to have read and accepted all the information provided to him pursuant to the above-mentioned regulations.

3. Customer Commitments

These General Conditions of Online Sale must be examined by Customers visiting the site before they confirm their purchases. The forwarding of the order confirmation therefore implies full knowledge of the General Conditions of Sale and their acceptance.

The buyer is strictly prohibited from entering false, and/or invented, and/or imaginary data in the registration procedure necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications; the personal data and the e-mail must be exclusively your real personal data and not of third parties, or fictitious. It is expressly forbidden to enter third party data. MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association reserves the right to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.

The Customer undertakes, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these General Conditions of Sale in order to fully satisfy the condition set out in the articles. 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree no. 185/1999.

4. Purchase methods is an online site that allows the purchase of editorial products or services indicated on the site including the final price to which shipping costs must be added (in case of purchase of products).

The purchase contract is finalized through the exact compilation and the consent to the purchase expressed through the online registration.

The purchase of the products is made by the Customer at the price indicated in the relevant information sheets, to be confirmed when placing the order, in addition to the transport costs (for the products) which can be viewed at the time of purchase in the order confirmation .

The Customer can pay for the goods ordered using only the payment methods indicated online at the time of purchase.

5. Payments

Payment for the products purchased and the related shipping costs must be made by the Customer by cash on delivery upon receipt of the goods, by credit card via the Paypal system or by bank transfer to: MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association based in Vergato, (via Arturo Palmieri 5/1 Fraz. Riola, Tax Code 91368630371 - VAT number 03386331205) IBAN: IT15Q0707237121000000341778 registered to MUTUS LIBER at - EMILBANCA - B.C.C. DI VERGATO S.C. Riola branch - Via Nazionale 52-Riola - 40038 Vergato (BO)

Cash on delivery is limited to deliveries within Italian territory. It is not possible to select this payment method for shipments outside Italy.

The cost of transport is duly highlighted in the order confirmation on the site which the Customer will take care to view before confirming the purchase.

In the case of delivery abroad, the consumer will be responsible for any additional costs due to taxes or duties provided for by the legislation in force in the country of destination; in this case it will be the supplier's responsibility to inform you of the expected cost of delivery.

6. Delivery of products

The purchased products will be delivered by MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association to the address indicated by the Customer via Poste Italiane Spa or courier.

Deliveries of the products will be made on all working days starting from the day following the order, and from the working day following the communication of credit as regards orders with payment by bank transfer (unless otherwise indicated which Mutus Liber is required to communicate to the Customer). As regards orders that require shipping abroad, before the shipment can be made, the supplier MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association must have received a correct payment certificate. The start of the provision of the service is indicated in each sheet relating to it.

If the goods received do not correspond to those ordered, it must be reported within two days of receipt by e-mail to:

In the event that the Customer finds defects in the material received, he must notify them within two days of receipt, by email to:

Any report beyond the aforementioned deadlines will not be taken into consideration.

7. Cancellation of orders by MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association

MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply communicating this to the Customer with adequate and justified reasons; in this case the Customer will only have the right to a refund of any sum already assumed and paid.

8. Right of withdrawal

The right of withdrawal, also called right of reconsideration, consists of the faculty granted by the art. 64 Legislative Decree 206/05, as amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014 which implemented Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights, the Customer to unilaterally dissolve the contractual obligation that binds him to the seller/professional , returning the purchased good or revoking the order and consequently obtaining a refund of the price paid, without penalties and without the seller's consent.

The right of withdrawal can be exercised exclusively for contracts for the purchase and sale of goods and services concluded remotely (via the internet, telephone).

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty, and without specifying the reason, within 14 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract (as regards the provision of services related to courses, the right is exercised after the first lesson ) or delivery of the goods (for goods). The withdrawal must be carried out by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association - via Arturo Palmieri 5/1 Fraz. Riola - 40038 Vergato, with which the desire to withdraw from the stipulated contract must be made explicit by sending at the same time (to the same address), the purchased goods are "substantially intact" within 14 calendar days of exercising the right of withdrawal.

Under no circumstances will parcels be collected on delivery or carriage forward. The costs of returning the products will be entirely borne by the Customer.

MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association will return, within 14 days from the date of return of the product (or service) by the Customer, the entire price paid net of shipping costs. It will be the Customer's responsibility to promptly provide the bank details on which to obtain the transfer (ABI code, CAB, current account of the invoice holder).

The right of withdrawal is totally lost if the returned product is not intact, due to the absence, for example, of integral elements of the product or because the product has suffered damage for reasons other than transport from the Seller to the consumer, not previously reported.

Without limiting the right of withdrawal, upon delivery of the product the consumer, who has reason to believe that the product itself has been damaged during transport, must refuse delivery or accept it with express reservation.

Each collection of intact packages must be carried out by the Customer by affixing the words "INTACT PARCEL, COLLECTION WITH RESERVE OF CONTENT CONTROL" on the appropriate accompanying document (art. 1698 Civil Code). Any anomaly must then be communicated within eight days in the following ways: by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to MUTUS LIBER Cultural Association - via Arturo Palmieri 5/1 Fraz. Riola - 40038 Vergato

The purchase order can be canceled entirely if, at the time of the cancellation request, the shipment of the product (or service) is still being prepared and, in any case, if the amount has not yet been collected; in this case no cost will be charged to the Customer.

If at the time of the request to cancel the purchase order the product is already entrusted to the courier or, in any case, the amount has been collected, the consumer must exercise the right of withdrawal and send the goods back to the Seller.

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised on services or performances already fully performed and terminated and the same have been performed following your specific agreement. Upon signing the contract, the consumer gives his consent to the loss of the right of withdrawal following the complete execution of the service.

9. Jurisdiction and competent court

Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the purchase contract stipulated online through the site is subject to Italian jurisdiction and the Court of Bologna will have exclusive jurisdiction. Approval pursuant to articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code.

Request information:

Condizioni di vendita Museo English.pdf